View Full Version : Need Website Completed
21 Aug 2012, 03:35 PM
I have a website that was in development, and its been at a halt for a little while.
I'm looking for someone that can complete what's already been done.
This is not an easy website, this is a large heavenly planned project.
It's about 75% completed, and the developer needs to be very strong in PHP, and databases.
What's left is adding the content (wording, images, etc), and creating some more database structure.
I also need the developer to understand some SEO. I'd rather not train them on how it needs to be done, rather on what needs to be done.
Please post your previous work with some examples, and then PM me your email address.
Thank you for all the help.
04 Sep 2012, 04:17 AM
I can help you.
Contact me at
04 Sep 2012, 08:37 AM
We believe in making good website design which brings great business to our clients. We have an excellent web developer team to match your requirement. Our pricing are very affordable and delivery time is strict to maintain the client satisfaction.
Outsourcing Partners is an organization providing complete web based services. Over 50 companies worldwide have used Outsourcing Partners to collaborate on over 200 projects, work 207,360 hours of work, and save $6 million. Here’s a link to our portfolio:
We will be right in touch with you, once you fill in our request quote form:
18 Nov 2012, 11:58 PM
Our prime aim is to opt for a good website design pattern. We boast of a knowledgeable web developer who can surely match the exact requirements.
19 Nov 2012, 12:41 AM
You will find freelance SEO workers that helps to you of your website.Do properly optimize your sites and get top rank in search engine,it will improve your business products or services.Developer and SEO professional can help to you in your business and i hope you will get fast results.
27 Nov 2012, 03:32 AM
Sau hĂ*ng kh?ng Q-Smart S22, Q-mobile ti?p t?c trình lĂ*ng model Q-Smart Miracle Tender v?i c?u hình tuong duong nhung l?i nh?n m?nh vĂ*o thi?t k? cao c?p hon cho ngu?i dĂąng. Tender lĂ* model d?u tiĂŞn thu?c dòng Miracle c?a Q-Smart v?i thi?t k? d?c bi?t mang tri?t lĂ˝ 3M: M?ng - M?nh - Mu?t s? mang d?n cho ngu?i dĂąng nh?ng tr?i nghi?m di?u k?. DĂł lĂ* m?t chi?c di?n tho?i thĂ´ng minh v?i thi?t k? th?i trang, s? d?ng c?p trong cĂ´ng ngh? vĂ* s? tinh t? trong thi?t k?. Dây lĂ* bu?c kh?i d?u c?a Q-mobile trĂŞn con du?ng t?o di?m khác bi?t cho s?n ph?m c?a mình.
Cái nhìn tr?c di?n vĂ*o m?t tru?c Q-mobile Tender ( dem l?i m?t c?m nh?n m?m m?i v?i các gĂłc du?c vát tròn sâu. Vi?n tru?c c?a máy du?c ?p h?p kim khĂ´ng g? den bĂłng sang tr?ng. C?nh bĂŞn "t? cáo" m?t d? m?ng dáng k? vĂ* thân máy du?ng nhu du?c b? cong ch? khĂ´ng còn ph?ng l?ng tuy?t d?i n?a. N?p lung máy s? d?ng ch?t li?u ch?ng bám d?u vân tay v?i m?t d? nhám tinh t? t?o nĂŞn b?i cĂ´ng ngh? son phun di?n t? hi?n d?i.
S?n ph?m du?c tĂ*ch h?p mĂ*n hình r?ng 4.0 inches cĂ´ng ngh? IPS LCD khĂ´ng ch? ti?t ki?m di?n nang mĂ* còn cho kh? nang hi?n th? trung th?c vĂ* s?c nĂ©t ? d? phân gi?i 480*800 pixel. CĂ´ng ngh? c?m ?ng di?n dung c?c nh?y k?t h?p v?i c?u hình m?nh m? giĂşp h?n ch? d?n m?c t?i da "d? tr?", dem l?i c?m h?ng "ch?m vu?t" th?t dĂŁ.
KhĂ´ng ch? du?c cham chĂşt v? thi?t k? ki?u dáng, Q-mobile Tender ( còn mang m?t c?u hình kh?ng bĂŞn trong v?i s?c m?nh vi x? lĂ˝ lõi kĂ©p xung nh?p 1GHz dem l?i kh? nang x? lĂ˝ da nhi?m nhanh vu?t tr?i. S?c m?nh nĂ*y cĂł th? lĂ*m hĂ*i lòng các b?n mĂŞ choi game hĂ*nh d?ng trĂŞn d? v?i nh?ng game" hĂ*ng kh?ng" hi?n nay nhu Blood and Glory, Pes 12, Modern Combat HD,. Kh? nang hi?n th? hình ?nh 3D còn du?c h? tr? v?i GPU PowerVR SGX531 tĂ*ch h?p dem l?i tr?i nghi?m game 3D toĂ*n di?n hon. Q-mobile Tender ( cĂł b? nh? ROM dung lu?ng 4GB, b? nh? RAM 512 MB cĂąng kh? nang h? tr? th? nh? m? r?ng t?i da 32GB.
V?i Q-mobile Tender ( b?n cung cĂł th? ch?p du?c nh?ng t?m hình s?c nĂ©t d? chia s? cĂąng b?n bè v?i camera tĂ*ch h?p c?m bi?n phân gi?i 5.0 MP cĂąng tĂ*nh nang t? d?ng nh?n di?n khuĂ´n m?t. Trong di?u ki?n ánh sáng khĂ´ng t?t, dèn flash tĂ*ch h?p s? v?n giĂşp b?n cĂł du?c t?m hình nhu Ă˝. NgoĂ*i ra, camera còn h? tr? thĂŞm tĂ*nh nang quay video chu?n HD 720p ? t?c d? t?i da 30 khung hình/giây, ch?p hình panorama, ch?p hình 3D thĂş v?.
Q-mobile Tender ( ch?y phiĂŞn b?n Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich v?i nhi?u tĂ*nh nang vĂ* ti?n Ă*ch cĂąng kh? nang h? tr? cĂ*i d?t ?ng d?ng ?ng d?ng vĂ* game m?nh m?. S?n ph?m cung h? tr? k?t n?i WiFi vĂ* 3G dem d?n kh? nang truy c?p Internet b?t k? khi nĂ*o b?n c?n. Ti?n Ă*ch 2 sim 2 sĂłng s? v?n du?c duy trì d? h? tr? ngu?i dĂąng da sim.
Yahoo: dthanoi
Email: (
D?a ch?: 519 Him Nguu, Hai BĂ* Trung , HĂ* N?i
T? khĂła: q mobile tender (, dien thoai q mobile tender (, dien thoai (
27 Nov 2012, 10:05 AM
We accept an accomplished web developer aggregation to bout your requirement. Our appraisement are actual affordable and supply time is austere to advance the applicant satisfaction.
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