06 Oct 2009, 05:59 AM
I'm having trouble creating a rollover menu with Fireworks CSS when using the CSS Export. It only works with html Export so I am trying to edit the menu in Dremweaver. When I attempt to replace the menu image with a rollover image, it changes the position of the other items in that div (the other menu items). I am using the insert rollover function - am I doing it wrong or does it have to be done using CSS?
Please help - I'm almost there with my site but just need to get the rollovers working!
I'm having trouble creating a rollover menu with Fireworks CSS when using the CSS Export. It only works with html Export so I am trying to edit the menu in Dremweaver. When I attempt to replace the menu image with a rollover image, it changes the position of the other items in that div (the other menu items). I am using the insert rollover function - am I doing it wrong or does it have to be done using CSS?
Please help - I'm almost there with my site but just need to get the rollovers working!