02 Oct 2008, 08:56 PM
Hi Guys,
I'm creating an online qouting system where clients put together a list of items they want to order and get an instant quote. They have the option to include labour by a checkbox. (If checked add labour to total if unchecked don't).
I'm trying to pass my labour and total values from estimate.php to summary.php but am hitting some problems.
When a client doesn't want labour (box unchecked) total value passes fine. When a client wants labour included (box checked) labour value passes fine but total is an empty space.
My labour checkbox has an input id, total has a div id. These are passed into my js function and a sum is calculated. Due to my sum returning r this is the total and I think I need to convert this back into php in order to pass it to summary.php. I'm a bit confussed and lack knowledge with php and js inpurticular so any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
Below is my code to help you understand my problem a bit better.
var oldTotal=0;
function showlabour(total,labour) {
if(document.getElementById('labour').checked == true) {
total = parseFloat(total) + labour;
oldTotal = total;
total = formatNumber(total,'2',',','.','','','','');
document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = '<b>£'+total+'</b>';
}else {
total = parseFloat(oldTotal) - labour;
oldTotal = total;
total = formatNumber(total,'2',',','.','','','','');
document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = '<b>£'+total+'</b>';
function formatNumber(num,dec,thou,pnt,curr1,curr2,n1,n2) {
var x = Math.round(num * Math.pow(10,dec));
if (x >= 0)
var y = (''+Math.abs(x)).split('');
var z = y.length - dec;
if (z<0)
for(var i = z; i < 0; i++)
y.splice(z, 0, pnt);
if(y[0] == pnt)
while (z > 3)
var r = curr1+n1+y.join('')+n2+curr2;
return r;
function OnButton2() {
document.form1.action = "summary.php"
return true;
$jsTotal = $total;
echo "<input id='labour' type='checkbox' name='checkbox1' value='checkbox1' onclick='showlabour($jsTotal , $totallabourcost );' />";
echo 'Labour';
echo '£', $totallabour, '<input name="totallabour" type="hidden" value="', $totallabour, '" />';
echo 'Total';
echo '<div id="total">£', $total, '<input name="total" type="hidden" value="', $total, '" /></div>';
if ( $_POST['checkbox1'] ) {
//add labour to the total
echo "labour ", ($_POST["totallabour"]), "<br/>";
echo "total ", ($_POST ["total"]), "<br/>";
} else {
echo "total ", ($_POST ["total"]), "<br/>";
I'm creating an online qouting system where clients put together a list of items they want to order and get an instant quote. They have the option to include labour by a checkbox. (If checked add labour to total if unchecked don't).
I'm trying to pass my labour and total values from estimate.php to summary.php but am hitting some problems.
When a client doesn't want labour (box unchecked) total value passes fine. When a client wants labour included (box checked) labour value passes fine but total is an empty space.
My labour checkbox has an input id, total has a div id. These are passed into my js function and a sum is calculated. Due to my sum returning r this is the total and I think I need to convert this back into php in order to pass it to summary.php. I'm a bit confussed and lack knowledge with php and js inpurticular so any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
Below is my code to help you understand my problem a bit better.
var oldTotal=0;
function showlabour(total,labour) {
if(document.getElementById('labour').checked == true) {
total = parseFloat(total) + labour;
oldTotal = total;
total = formatNumber(total,'2',',','.','','','','');
document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = '<b>£'+total+'</b>';
}else {
total = parseFloat(oldTotal) - labour;
oldTotal = total;
total = formatNumber(total,'2',',','.','','','','');
document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = '<b>£'+total+'</b>';
function formatNumber(num,dec,thou,pnt,curr1,curr2,n1,n2) {
var x = Math.round(num * Math.pow(10,dec));
if (x >= 0)
var y = (''+Math.abs(x)).split('');
var z = y.length - dec;
if (z<0)
for(var i = z; i < 0; i++)
y.splice(z, 0, pnt);
if(y[0] == pnt)
while (z > 3)
var r = curr1+n1+y.join('')+n2+curr2;
return r;
function OnButton2() {
document.form1.action = "summary.php"
return true;
$jsTotal = $total;
echo "<input id='labour' type='checkbox' name='checkbox1' value='checkbox1' onclick='showlabour($jsTotal , $totallabourcost );' />";
echo 'Labour';
echo '£', $totallabour, '<input name="totallabour" type="hidden" value="', $totallabour, '" />';
echo 'Total';
echo '<div id="total">£', $total, '<input name="total" type="hidden" value="', $total, '" /></div>';
if ( $_POST['checkbox1'] ) {
//add labour to the total
echo "labour ", ($_POST["totallabour"]), "<br/>";
echo "total ", ($_POST ["total"]), "<br/>";
} else {
echo "total ", ($_POST ["total"]), "<br/>";