16 Mar 2008, 10:36 AM
Compete NEWB here, but heres a short synopsis of my background story and idea:
I recently sold my 24 hour service business (to reclaim my sanity). I remember loathing salespeople and sales pitches, that were trying to sell me something "I needed". My "BS radar" was always fine tuned to avoid people trying to sell me stuff. I was already in a bad mood from working 16 hours the previous day, and now confronting TODAYS problems, needless to say I had VERY little patience for sales folks (whether their product was good or not) I think most small business people probably shared my fear and loathing of sales presentations.
My idea
I read somewhere that 75% of small business STILL does not have a web presence. I know from my own experience, as a consumer, that a lot of small biz that I deal with, do NOT have a web site. My perception is that most of these small businesses desire a web presence, but assume it will be costly and time consuming ( talking to developer, etc.).
I propose creating a 2-3 page custom mock up (including photos and info that pertain to that particular business) Then approaching said business owner, with a QUICK and PAINLESS presentation, showing them what their web site could look like (using a notebook computer) Then leaving info with them, or continuing the presentation. The key here would be showing them the mock up ( including pictures of their building or product) and making it LOW pressure, Quick and easy !
Your thoughts regarding this approach ? Is it a common practice ?
Thanks for your input.
Compete NEWB here, but heres a short synopsis of my background story and idea:
I recently sold my 24 hour service business (to reclaim my sanity). I remember loathing salespeople and sales pitches, that were trying to sell me something "I needed". My "BS radar" was always fine tuned to avoid people trying to sell me stuff. I was already in a bad mood from working 16 hours the previous day, and now confronting TODAYS problems, needless to say I had VERY little patience for sales folks (whether their product was good or not) I think most small business people probably shared my fear and loathing of sales presentations.
My idea
I read somewhere that 75% of small business STILL does not have a web presence. I know from my own experience, as a consumer, that a lot of small biz that I deal with, do NOT have a web site. My perception is that most of these small businesses desire a web presence, but assume it will be costly and time consuming ( talking to developer, etc.).
I propose creating a 2-3 page custom mock up (including photos and info that pertain to that particular business) Then approaching said business owner, with a QUICK and PAINLESS presentation, showing them what their web site could look like (using a notebook computer) Then leaving info with them, or continuing the presentation. The key here would be showing them the mock up ( including pictures of their building or product) and making it LOW pressure, Quick and easy !
Your thoughts regarding this approach ? Is it a common practice ?
Thanks for your input.