mr friendly
18 Jul 2007, 06:00 AM
im a new web designer based in orange county california. im trying to teach myself web design using online tutorials and books.
im currently building a page using dreamweaver and i have 2 forms on the page. in the first form i want ppl to submit their name, email and then write comments and the SUBMIT button should send all their info to my email.
*how can i get the form to reset after they submit the form, but make the browser stay on the same page. i want to notoify them that their message has been sent without loading a new page
on the second form i want them to enter in their name, their friends email addresses and then i already have a comment written for them, its a link to my site. when they hit the SUBMIT button, i want the form to be sent, via email to the addresses that they type into the designated field.
*how do i do that? do i simply add a hidden field and the in the code instead of '' do i somehow point it to send the message to the values in the given box? i.e. 'mailto:'see value of FRIENDS_EMAILS textfield'?
any help would be appreciated. ive read several online tutorials but they only cover the basics
im currently building a page using dreamweaver and i have 2 forms on the page. in the first form i want ppl to submit their name, email and then write comments and the SUBMIT button should send all their info to my email.
*how can i get the form to reset after they submit the form, but make the browser stay on the same page. i want to notoify them that their message has been sent without loading a new page
on the second form i want them to enter in their name, their friends email addresses and then i already have a comment written for them, its a link to my site. when they hit the SUBMIT button, i want the form to be sent, via email to the addresses that they type into the designated field.
*how do i do that? do i simply add a hidden field and the in the code instead of '' do i somehow point it to send the message to the values in the given box? i.e. 'mailto:'see value of FRIENDS_EMAILS textfield'?
any help would be appreciated. ive read several online tutorials but they only cover the basics